Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunny Days, Sweeping the Clouds Away

What a beautiful day here in the Burg. All I could think about during my quick little lunch break was getting home and putting the hammock up,chilling in the fresh air and soft breeze that seems way to early in the season to be enjoying. (No, I didn't even kick off  my heels I was in such a hurry). Kind of ironic weather here seeing how the night before so many were hit with such powerful, destructive storms. My Brother and his family's hometown of Branson, MO were hit pretty hard last night, such a scary night for all of them. I pray for the families there who have lost so much and I pray they are able to rebuild & rebound. I pray they are overwhelmed by support from their surrounding communities and that they can remain hopeful in a time where hope seems lost.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

~It's Whats for Dinner~

It's dinner time, does that stress you out? If you live in my world it kinda does. We get home around 7 sometimes later and if I haven't planned ahead well then, it's thrown together and not always the best. It's a lot different then the way dinner was meant to be enjoyed. Those of you that are stay at home moms (although not sure how many of those are left out there), do you start dinner at 5? Do you plan out your menu for the week? Do you set your dinner table and all sit down together? I am trying to be a better Mom and make the time to go back to this lifestyle we had when kids were smaller. Funny how now that they are older and we are all busier with sports and after school stuff how we don't take the time to do this when in reality this is the most important times in a kid's life to be taking the time. As for us, we are going back to High/Low, it's a nice way to get your kids to talk about the high point and the low point of their day.
Hope everyone has a beautiful evening and really soaks in those dinner time moments and conversation..

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Shine Project

Good Monday morning fellow blog lovers. Hope you all have a fabulous day. The sun is shining bright here and I have some lovely information to pass along about a Gal that is stepping out of the box and is going the extra mile for the love of kindness and letting her light shine on.

You can read all about her Shine Project from one of my link's on my blog. But to get the idea you basically have these cards and you can do what you want with it, but as an example if you decide to pay for the guys lunch behind you in line you would pay for his lunch and ask the server to hand him this card. The card talks about the shine project and passing it forward. You can go online and track who all and how many lives this wonderful gift affects. What a brilliant idea, I am so loving this.

Hope you have a beautiful Monday, and I hope you take the time to be part of such a lovely concept and brilliant idea. Have your children get involved with this - what a great thing for them to do and feel the importance of Paying it Forward :-)

Special Thanks to my Sister for passing this info. on to me!


Wow, boys are so different than having girls over in so many ways. Girl's go to the bedroom and play and talk and have fun and boys....well it was crazy, they were sliding down the hall in their socks, chasing the cat, playing xbox, wrestling, loud, farting, oh gracious it was a new experience for me. They were truly little boys and I can see why summeer is good for  them they have lots of energy that needs to be released! Needless to say, they are two little peas in a pod/best buddies and it is pure entertaining to watch boys be boys!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

It's Coming......

Happy Saturday Everyone!! Hope you have a wonderful day, I am still busy trying to make lots of fun things for my next venture. My mom and I are opening an Etsy shop, ~Rainbow Sherbet Boutique~ stayed tuned, it's coming soon. Thought I would give you a sneak peak on some of the cute little things we will have.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

{Tea for Two}

The love of tea continues... I am not sure what it is about taking the time for tea that just brings a smile to my face. I think part of me just gets sucked into something that seems dated and vintage. Not many people go into town and have tea anymore it has become a thing of the past with everyone's busy, chaotic lives now, I guess it just seems to slow paced to sit down and take the time for tea. My daughter and I went to a tea party last year with a friend and her daughter and I have to say it was so nice to just sit and sip tea and talk and talk and no phone interuptions - no modern technology just family, friends and tea. Tea is for sure an addiction of mine and if I show up for work without my glass in the morning, trust me everyone knows something is missing.

 I have some wonderful recommendations if you are a tea drinker or want to try some new tea. My brother and I first had this while in Ft. Wayne, Indiania and I have been hooked ever since. It is called Mint Magic/Celestial. This one is good hot or cold, however I prefer cold with a little Agave to sweeten (Oh yes, I do pretend it's my southern sweet tea it doesn't have all the sugar but it curbs my southern fix)

My other top favorite is Sweet & Spicy/Good Earth it is my hot tea. It has a hint of cinnamon and it's a tad sweet and you will fall in love with this.
Have a wonderful Thursday, and I hope you enjoy the tea as much as me!!

~This was a picture my sister-in-law and I took of the cousin's over the summer and I find it so stinkin precious. ~

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For the love of vintage

Just a quick post tonight as I am busy making new things for our Etsy shop coming soon. I am always trying to make my pictures look old and vintage so I will just show you a quick before and after of Avery's picture it was a quick shot with a makeshift backdrop and makeshift lighting.
Hope you enjoy & Happy Hump Day to all~~



Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Rat Life

It finally came, not from a dealership but from a Tatto artist in Van Wert. I cannot for the life of me figure out which of the four of us is more excited. Avery is asking "when can we take it to a car show?" Zade is asking, if he can just go for a ride down the lane. As for me I'm just excited to see it sitting in our garage. I cannot wait to go for some nice long rides in it with my shades, red lipstick, red heals so Vintage and just so me!!! The hubby and I went out into the garage after the kids went to bed and just sat, just like two little kids on Christmas morning, all I can say is Spring, please hurry!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Little Man...Big heart

He is my little man. He opens doors for me, he says please and thank you, he carries in the groceries for me, he is my little man. He is gracious and concerned, he is a little worry wart, he is not a fan of reading, shopping, or onions. He is a fan of bmx, motorcross, cars, celery, smoothies, hot wings, and playing in the woods. I adore this little man and so thankful God put him in our life after so many scares. I will protect him and guide him and help him become the wonderful little fellow he already is.