Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School

It's that time kiddos!!! As much as I am not ready to send them back, it seems I'm not the one that decides that fate. Summer is so hard to let go of especially a summer like this packed full of such good memories. And with the end of summer it means my kiddos will be in a new grade and getting bigger :-( time really does fly. My goal at the end of each summer is that we truely lived it up, and that my kids got to throw the rules of the school year out the window. It's no more early to bed, no early to awake, no it's homework time, no you can't wear that...... it can all be forgotten over the summer and instead, it's colored mohawks, face paint, no shoes, cotton candy, shaved ice, late nights, fireflys and a kid can JUST BE  A KID!

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