It's Monday, oh so Monday and I'm at a loss for words (I know that is funny :-)~ but it does happen sometimes) so little Miss Avery Mckenna is going to share some of her favorite things:
pintrest, dogs, family, friends, Christmas(holidays), pumpkin pie, pictures, water slides, mint chocolate chip ice cream, gummy worms, water, zebra's, reading, listening to music, dancing, smores, watching the dolphin "Winter" on it's web cam, birthday parties, fishing, roller skating, shopping with my Mom at Justice, playing in pine forest with my brother, riding my four wheeler, watching every episode of Good Luck Charlie, my old cowgirl boots, eating at Cheesecake Factory, looking at car magazines...
Gotta love this list I especially love the order of her loves pintrest before family, thanks kiddo!!
oh, I see how it is miss Avery, Pinterest before Aunt Janine. is addicting isn't it. Well I love you and you are tops on my list. Great list stinker!!!